“Now that I am old and gray,
    do not abandon me, O God.
Let me proclaim your power to this new generation,
    your mighty miracles to all who come after me.” (Ps. 71:18 NLT)

“Lord, through all the generations
    you have been our home!” (Ps. 90:1 NLT)

“So teach us to count our days
    that we may gain a wise heart.” (Ps 90:12 NRSVUE)

Father, we are asking for nations & generations!

Lord, teach us to count our days and make our days count!

It’s time! Time is ticking away! (sure, cue Toby Mac) It’s about time! Time to think! Time to breathe! Time to pause! Time to pray! Time to pack! Time to grieve! Time to move! Time to anticipate! Time to dream!

Time for reflection: Where am I? How am I? How are we? What’s next? What is God calling us into, in this next chapter? When we moved to Texas 10 years ago, we had no idea The Father would connect us with so many amazing friends, new and old. As we move to North Carolina this month, we are leaning in, watching to see what God will do, what new friends we will discover as we finally get closer to grands in this next grand chapter. As we celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary this week, we want to share some of our heart.

From Day one, the Father invited us into His mission! Yes, did you notice that? It’s His mission, not ours. He is LORD of the harvest, not us! (Luke 10:2) He is God, we are NOT!

“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.” (Eph. 5:15-17 NLT)

On June 25, 2023, our teaching minister at The Hills church, Rick Atchley, spoke on “It’s About Time” from Esther 4. His message, his questions, The Word, stirred our hearts. Jill and I looked at each other during the message knowing this message was straight from God to us. Let me share a few choice quotes from my notes that morning:

“Why do you think you are where you are?” Where do we need to be?

“Don’t let fear or tradition keep you from seeing what time it is!”

“We were made to live for a purpose!”

“Don’t miss the time of your life!”

“At no time has God lost control! There was no suggestion box in the temple!”

“Ask God: What are You up to right now?! In His time, we need to seize opportunities and partner with God!”

“Wise people don’t ask ‘What should I do?’ but what is God doing that I can go bless and (Col 4:5) ‘go make the most of every opportunity!’”

“Am I ready for what’s next?”

After 16 fruitful years in Flemish Belgium, 20 years in pulpit ministry in Ohio, and 10 gratifying years with Mission Resource Network here in Texas, we believe it’s time. In this next chapter, we will continue to work remotely with Pioneer Bible Translators in the Care Department and with The Conversation Group coaching, encouraging and mentoring. We are anxious to move closer to at least three of our 15 precious grandkids.

So, what time is it?

It’s time!

Please pray with us and for us that we can be used mightily by the Father for His Kingdom purpose. So many questions!

We don’t want you to think that we were directed by one powerful sermon to pull up stakes, leave dear friends and prayer support and head east! We have been working toward this moment for many months. We are very excited, but we need your prayers!!!

Pray for us that we will make the most of every opportunity, making every conversation “gracious and attractive so that we will have the right response for everyone” (Col. 4:5-6 NLT)

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