It’s a new year!! 2024! How did we get here?!

We started our last blog with these words: “Self-care takes work!” You might have wondered, yes, but what does self-care even mean? Consider this: to care well for those in your care, you must care well for yourself. In order to have something to give, you need to be drinking deeply of the “Living Water” our Lord offers. We must listen to His invitation: “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.”(Mark 6:31NLT)  Jesus knew He and His followers would not have much to offer others if they were constantly running on empty!

As salt and light, we believe that in order to make a difference in the lives of those we touch, those in our care, whether they are children, grandchildren, neighbors or friends, whether global workers a world away or right down the block, are we caring enough for ourselves to be fueled to care for them?

What is the best way to work toward self-care? Last time we wrote about hiding the Word in our hearts, committing Scripture to memory, so that God’s Word flows from our hearts! What else can we do to best prepare to care well? Here are a few tools.

Tool #1: Year Compass  How do you best look back and evaluate the year that has passed and look forward to what The Father is leading you into up ahead? My good brother and leader in Care at Pioneer Bible Translators, Jeff Holland, shared this tool with us that has been very helpful. Take the time to look back and consider the questions/prompts for each section of this practical journal. No, you don’t have to run out and purchase yet another journal to write in. Just fill in the PDF! Then reflect, as you stand at the beginning of 2024, regardless of how your resolutions are stacking up. Dream and pray about where the Father is leading you for this coming year! Yes, dare to dream big for the year ahead as you thank God for this past year.

Tool #2:The Pause App” When we were visiting long time Ohio friends, Doug and Paulette, they recommended an app for our phones that has been a game changer for them, and they wondered if we would find it helpful. This has led us to our loveseat to start and close our day for the past couple of weeks, sitting close together with our journals in hand. It is from Wild At Heart ministry by John Eldredge. Simply click on the link and scroll down to where you see the app for your platform. We dare you to try it and let us know what you think! It is really making a difference for us in a variety of ways. It has helped us look at our day and our “to do” list differently as well as receive God’s love in a more biblical way. We believe, if you try it, you will never hear “cast all your cares on Him”(1Peter 5:7) the same way again!

Tool #3: “ECL Live Study Community” – yes, go ahead and do a search for the group led by our good brother, Kerry Holton on Facebook. For about 7 years, we have started our day in Scripture, writing prayers using a 3 Column Bible Study method and then sharing them with a group of more than 300. Presently we are #praying1Corinthians every morning. What a great way to start the day! It’s not too late to join in!

Tool #4: Meditating on The Word daily! Consider how important it is to meditate on & take delight in The Word “day and night” (Ps. 1:2)! For this tool, I want to share three ways Scripture changes us (from Kent Evans of – yes, I realize it may sound like it’s only for men, but I know my sisters will benefit as well!), Mountain Monday, 1/15/2024 After you have considered these ideas, add your own ways to the list of how you are daily changed by The Word. How are you like the tree in Psalm 1:3, planted by the water, always bearing fruit, never withering? That can only come from self-care or time in The Word!

LIFE Transformation from Scripture
Just as the health of a tree comes from its roots. As a dad, you must be rooted in God’s Word. Here are 3 ways Scripture changes you. #1 Scripture protects you.Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Eph. 6:17). The Helmet of salvation is a Roman soldier’s protective headgear. The swordof the Spirit is the soldier’s weapon. Scripture protects you from the enemy’s attack. As a husband and dad, are you utilizing Scripture for what it is—protection for your life?#2 Scripture frees you.If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free(John 8:31-32). The truth will set you free from false teaching and leaning on lesser things. I’ve heard banks train staff to spot counterfeit money, not by learning the various counterfeit possibilities, but by focusing on the real thing. Freedom is found only when you abide in His Word. Are you focused on knowing God’s Word? Or are you constantly dabbling in the world?#3 Scripture gives you life.It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life(John 6:63). God’s Word gives life. Continual heart change comes from His Word constantly guiding you. That’s life. Are you living in His Word? Would your wife and kids describe you as living in His Word?

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