“Be Thou my vision” playing in my head!

Yes, a New Year has started and it’s time to reflect and look forward. The budgeting process has been a total affirmation of the Father’s Faithfulness. When we started this journey on April 1, 2022, we had no idea. The Father led. He supplied! My theme verse for 2023 jumped off the page the first week of January: Deut. 1:31. But let’s start with verse 30 for context. “The LORD your God is going ahead of you. He will fight for you, just as you saw Him do in Egypt. (31) And you saw how the LORD your God cared for you all along the way as you travelled through the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child. Now He has brought you to this place!” (Don’t miss the warning of v32! Yes, now you are going to have to look it up. I’ll wait…)

This passage declares “you saw” twice. But did we? Were we watching? As Taylor Walling declared from 1John 3:1 “It’s a matter of seeing and being!” (1/1/23 https://thehills.org/sermon/seeing-and-being/)

Yes, we have seen and not just passed by on the other side, we have been drawn into the fact that in this 1st ministry year with The Conversation Group and Pioneer Bible Translators – in this present unknown wilderness, God has shown Himself to be “Leader, Provider, Caregiver” every step of the way! It may be unknown to us but it is totally known to the Father! So we want to challenge all—Have you been watching? Noticing? Aware, Awake to HOW the LORD is leading, providing and caring? I believe, I maintain, had it not been for the LORD, we would never have made it through those dry times. Would there be enough in the account, Father provided. Would we have the right words to share? Would we be equal to the task at hand? The Father knows and goes before. He has also walked with us, to love and care in difficult moments. He is love! So we will continue to LOVE because we are His, and He is love.

Catching up…and the road ahead

  • Dec 22-30 a Michigan Christmas with Rebekka and her crew from Holly Springs, NC, David and Lara +2 and puppies from Bloomfield Hills, MI, Karina and Rafael +2 from Farmington Hills, MI and the Knoxville, TX Meeks.
  • January 7, 2023 – “CoffeeTime with Parents of Global Workers” on zoom, talking about how to best navigate the holidays with kids so far away on the field. About 28 devices logged in. Great conversations and connections!
  • January 13-14 – IHCF Medical Missions Seminar hosted at McDermott Rd church in Plano, TX; Jill and Mark taught a class on care for workers on the field and their families called “Who Cares?!”
  • January 17-19 – The Conversation Group retreat in Granbury with Scott & Kim Lambert, reflecting, praying and planning.
  • January 21-30…Feb 5—Hosting a family of workers from Asia in our home with their two sweet children. Oh wait…their flight on Jan. 30 was cancelled so they are with us for a second week. Hosting them provided opportunities to meet their friends they have known from their work in China.

And then about that transition…

  • Many have asked and prayed and we are happy to share that we have a timeline for moving to NC this year. Our house in Fuquay Varina, 20 min. from Bekka and the kids should be complete by late summer, so we plan to make the move then.

Will you consider partnering with us?

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