Have you ever applied James 1:19 “…be quick to listen, slow to speak…” to prayer? I know I had not! In a September 19 “Town Hall” conversation on Zoom with more than 100 devices logging in from around the world, Pioneer Bible Translators president, Greg Pruett, led a discussion concerning hearing from God in prayer. As a follow up to his must-read, “Extreme Prayer”(2014), Greg led us in a thought-provoking, soul-searching journey through his recently published, “Extraordinary Hearing: Preparing Your Soul to Hear from God”. What an encouraging discussion! He admitted that, in writing his first book, he assumed most knew how to hear from God, only to discover many do not. Does God still speak? Of course, “God has spoken…”(Heb. 1:1-2) And we must pay attention to what He has said. But does He still speak? Had I muted God? So many ideas surfaced in this virtual meeting, that I had failed to consider! Revelation 3:20 pictures Jesus saying, “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door…” I had read that so many times, even in combination with John 10 and the discussion of the Good Shepherd, but never once thought, maybe I should listen!? Had my lack of listening been a roadblock to table fellowship with the Master? Greg pointed to Ps. 37:7, “Be still (rest) in the presence of the LORD…” I had to confess, I’ve done a lot of talking in prayer but not much listening, simply resting in His Presence! So yes, I want to challenge you to work through the acrostic Greg offers, very practical steps to hearing what The Father is trying to tell us!

During that meeting I sensed the nudging of the Father, “If you want to find the right church to be a part of near your new North Carolina home, let me lead you!” Would you please join us in prayer that we will be able to do just that, follow His leading?

Learning to listen, this past month, via Kristina (our youngest daughter) and Caleb (her husband) we became aware of two powerful questions to ask in prayer: “What do you want me to know and what do you want me to do…?” (Living Fearless: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God” by Jamie Winship, p. 36) Daily in the Word, as we prioritize our days and our direction, we are longing to simply be still in the presence of the LORD as we ask these questions and listen.

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