a Different Perspective

“You’re going to go where and do what, for heaven’s sake?!”
“When are you going to bring my grandchildren back so we can be near them?”

Whether we wish to admit it or not, NOT every parent is gung ho about sending their child and/or grandchildren into the spiritual battle on the other side of the globe.


We Know What It’s Like

We care because we’ve been there. We’ve received the call (or text) in the middle of the night that our grandchild half-way around the world is headed to the clinic/hospital and they aren’t sure what’s causing the fever. We’ve been to the airport laden with suitcases to say goodbye to our determined, mission-minded offspring only to turn and return to our vehicle in their airport parking lot, not knowing if we will ever see them again or just how long it will be.

Because we have sent our children to the field we know how it feels and want to come alongside other parents of global workers. We want to let you know it’s okay to grieve empty hands and rejoice with hearts that are full at the same time. We are those who are thankful our children took the mission of God seriously, this call to go! We know there will be some parents who don’t even believe in God or His mission that invites their children to go to restricted nations far away. Some will not be able to sleep at night, just thinking about what those grands are going through and wondering if they will even know what baseball and apple pie mean.

Why We Do What we Do

Not only do we send encouraging notes and texts, we organize virtual retreats for concerned parents to talk to each other and hear about dealing with the grief of empty hands, safety issues and how to best communicate with their kids. We also facilitate a closed Facebook group of several hundred parents who can openly share their heartfelt prayers without discouraging their kids on the field. (If you are a parent, follow the link and ask to join!)

We know how important it is for those on the field to be encouraged in their lives and work to remain healthy in the field, to not head back “home” prematurely. That is why we do what we do. Because we care! We care about the mission of God, taking Good News effectively to every people group; all tribes, tongues and nations. Please pray for us and with us, because we know you care, too!

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