The Power of Words

Certainly, since we started working with “The Conversation Group” in April, 2022, we have been conscious of our words. Scheduling 10+ hours/week each of “meaningful/helpful/fruitful” ministry-related Kingdom conversations is both exhilarating and exhausting. It feels like everywhere we turn, we are reminded of the value and the weight of words we use. We must make conversations matter. That means we must listen, not to be able to answer wisely but simply be fully present, drinking in the moment.

Make conversations Count…

After Taylor Walling’s message on Feb 5, “Speak Life”, he started the discussion questions with “The words we use are more than tools to communicate – they are creative power.”  He had pointed out the first words of God in Scripture, “Let there be light…” Yes, you remember what happened! What creative power! Underscore Prov. 18:21 “The tongue can bring death or life.” The Message renders, “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit –you choose.” So the question, what will we choose? We want to speak life!

The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. — Proverbs 15:4

In his daily email, Heartlight, on 2/10/23, Phil Ware wrote, “Words are powerful. Communicators know this. Negotiators know this. Deep down, you know this. Words have blessed you and words have devastated you. The healing that comes from a kind and tender word is precious. The destruction of a cruel taunt or a well-told deception is crushing. To have such power is amazing. To use this awesome power found in our speech is an awesome responsibility. Words do have the power to give life, hope, and peace when offered in love to honor Jesus. Let’s speak that word today!” (

Words are Powerful…

Will we learn from those who have encouraged us with their words? What a life-changing difference they have made! If you have indeed been blessed, refreshed, comforted by the words of others, determine to pay it forward and make an eternal difference in the life of another.


Let’s close with Phil Ware’s beautiful prayer: “O Father, I want my words to be a blessing today. I want them to reflect your grace. I want them to bring healing to the hurting and comfort to the grieving. I want them to be tender with the broken. I want them to be honorable and truthful in difficult circumstances. I want them to be upright when the language around me is crude. Through your Spirit, use my speech to bless others and bring you praise. In the name of Jesus, your ultimate Word, I pray. Amen.”

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