We are so blessed to hear from and read about other parents who have sent their kids and grandkids to far off, frequently dangerous, places. During our most recent “CoffeeTime with Parents” (6/22) via Zoom, we asked the question, “What has been your greatest blessing in the ‘sending’ and/or in the letting go of your kids and grandkids into the mission of God?” We had a smaller group on that zoom call this time, but what was shared was poignant and powerful. May we share a couple of quotes.

Consider, both of these sets of parents are speaking from their experience sending their single daughters to unknown realms. This was our first meeting with LaShelle and Don Johnson, who sent their daughter to Zambia after plans for her mission to New Zealand fell through. Their first response had been, “Lord, what are you doing? I just needed to catch my breath!” But the blessing? “It expanded our world and shrank it down at the same time! We have seen so many examples of her being in the right place at the right time with the right people!” The next to weigh in was a couple, Nyle and Alan Sneed, who were actually visiting their daughter on the field in Greece. Greatest blessing: “watching God work though our daughter in incredible ways!” What might you share to add to the list?

This month we would like to share two more important resources that have richly blessed our lives.

Just yesterday Lori Shepherd Williams on the “Parents of Global Workers” Facebook page shared this wonderful article: “What Missionary Grandparents Give UP-and Gain” shared from parentsofgoers.com . Please check it out and let us know how these thoughts bless you and what other ideas come to mind. Seriously, you will need to click on the link to read this incredible article!

Then as we were enjoying time with our global-worker kids in the States on home assignment, we received this email concerning “saying goodbye”. Yes, it is one of the hardest parts of being in God’s mission. When I asked Hollye Conway (pictured with her mom below) if we could use it in our blog, she graciously said: “You are welcome to share this, if others might be challenged to release with grace, as our mothers did. As a disclaimer, I am of course an accumulation of those we have rubbed shoulders with through the years, so thoughts and wording are often borrowed from those who have encouraged me along the way and not always original with me. 🙂

Hollye Conway with her sweet mom

From: larryandhollyeconway@yahoo.com 

Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 05:38:05 AM CDT

Subject: saying goodbye

I just did that least favorite thing in my life  once again …. I said that  heart wrenching goodbye to my mama. I have been leaving her behind at the airport with blurry, stinging eyes, tears streaming down both of our cheeks, where words don’t come up past the lump in our throats for 37 years. All attempt of speech is in vain. I always want to say more but just can’t. We wave through blinding tears until the other’s face fades away. It is here I am reminded to live the days ahead in honor of her selfless offering us up to His plan for our lives.

In 1986 when we left her as a very recent and young widow to move to Africa it would have been so easy for her to guilt us for the abandonment of her and her new and unfamiliar plight ~ she had just experienced 6 of the greatest stressors in life, in the past year and a half. Instead of reminding us of her grievous transitions she gifted us beyond her sadness and pang with grace, blessing and release.

How easy it would have been for her to dwell on the grief of not sharing every day / week / month / year with us in her newfound landscape of widowhood, across from the world she had called home for 25 years. Never once did she shame us for having her only grandchild 8371 miles away, that she only got to see briefly every 2 years. She never burdened us with guilt for not making memories around their births,  for missing out on milestones in her grandchildren’s lives, for not collecting weekly bonding moments with her young ones, She did not remind us of her loneliness on her birthdays, Mother’s Days, Thanksgivings and Christmases for the 13 years she was a widow and the countless other family celebrations we have missed in the remaining 27 years with the Coles & Hensleys. (This  year was the first year in 36 years that she had all of her children and grandchildren around her for Mother’s Day)

She has loved us extraordinarily from afar and celebrated our times together by spoiling us with her bountiful love, impeccable thoughtfulness and deep honoring.

Despite the real ache in her heart, she is our greatest cheerleader and encourager, as well as prayer warrior. She beautifully let us go without letting go of us.

As a sacrificial sending parent she has graciously accepted the commission upon our lives as an offering to our God. The deep sacrifice only makes sense in light of eternity.

So many of you are so dear to pray for us your missionaries, but would you also say a prayer for my mother and family too? They are unsung heroes and an invaluable part of our team and story. Thank you! ~ Hollye & Larry

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